Days go by like crazy, I don't even have a chance to sit down and write.
Today for example, the only moment of Sophie's longer nap, was during our winter walk (lovely time spent in -8°C). Later sleeping was mine dream rather than her ;)
Luckily she likes eating more than sleeping - yesterday she looked like a long forgotten daughter od the Ents, with the lovely mossy beard, that grew after eating a broccoli ;) 
I don't know how it works, but somehow Sophie has started the second half of her first year on a full speed - and so we have to keep up. :)

Our little survey has come to an end - thank you for your votes! :) The results came surprising, but they're rather clear - The Moomins are gonna be a leading motive of a prize of the first tea candy (cause 'candy' sounds way more yummy than 'giveaway')!
So far I can only tell it's gonna be a clock - I'm working on the project now :) It's going to take a while of course, I hope next few days will give me a chance to focuse on it a bit...
Anyway, I'll be doing my best, and I'm open for any suggestions  - maybe there's a Moomin character you like the most? If so, please give me a note :)

Oh, and here's the new picture of Sophie, no. 4/52:

...who wouldn't smile to such a lovely Totoro pillow? ;) <3

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